about me
welcome to my blog
hope you'll love my posts.
If you think you know me,
read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.
I'm the only witness
and the only person who can judge my life.
absence doesn't always make the heart grow fonder,
sometimes it just reminds how incredibly lonely you are
about me
Name:margarita almendra(marga)
Age: 15 years old
Date of Birth: March20 1993
Horoscope Sign: Pisces
i love chocolates!
can't live without food, cellphone, laptop,
camera, family, internet connection and GOD!
my future husband:
hopefully aj perez
i love blue
I'm dainty and dirty; not a trace.
I party till dawn,
I shop till dusk.
That's coz...
I'm a girl.
And a beautiful one too.
wish list
▪ new camera
▪ new desktop/laptop:)
blow a kiss
reaching out
Educational Outbound Trip/Program
Sunday, February 24, 2008
it was last Friday (22nd of February year 2008)
i woke up around 3:00 in the morning:) doesn't show how excited i am;)) i packed my gadgets into a waterproof bag:) i have to protect them so that i will not hear scolds from my parents as i reach home:) As of that moment i'm not that excited compared to my dear classmates. They were like "OMG!Fieldtrip na bukas!:D" then flashes the biggest smile you can see in this world.
I woke up early but i fell asleep and left the television openc: Good thing an hour is still left:) That was a *sigh*. I ate my breakfast. I did not eat a lot since I might vomit. I took a bath and changed my attire. I woke my dad up. He was still sleepy by that time cc: He drove me to our meeting place. Shell Don Antonio. It was very early. I arrived there around 5:00 am. The buses were already there and some of my classmates are at the bus already. We were like around 7 by that time. Some said that they arrived at Shell around 4:30:)) [see i told you my classmates are excited:P]
When it was already 5:30, a lot of our classmates are still not in the bus [my partner is late(yani)]. She even told me that we should arrive early. But she is late. Very good partner. Then at around 5:55 we left Shell. We left Lizelle since she was really really late. As we were travelling our facilitators from Lakbay Kalikasan Kuya Brian and Kuya OJ. Early in the morning they are already cracking a lot of weird and corny jokes. That's the reason why I can't sleep:| And my frontmate (debbie) is texting me:)) We were like at the same bus and were still texting each others. We are such weirdos:))
We arrived at our first destination. Magdalena Church in Laguna. It was raining when we arrived there. We entered the Church and i was having goosebumps. That Church was where some scenes in "Kampanerang Kuba" was shoot. It was really creepy.Our facilitators described how the Church was built and a lot more stuffs. The walls were made from egg whites:)) cool:) Then we saw the blood stain of Emilio Jacinto. And there was a creepy part. Our teachers saw a white person in the stairs where we sat down. It's a good thing that i can't see always, but i can feel. I felt something scary when we sat down there.
Second stop was the house were shoes were made. It smells Rugby:)) After we have viewed how they make it, we were like drug addicts:)) Then some of our classmates bought some slippers and sandals because it's cheap. Next stop was were the Uraro, Pastillas and Turones are made. It's yummt i tell you:) 3 for 100 is worth itc: Then next stop was Liliw Church. It's better than the first one. The first one was really creepy. The second one is just like a beautiful Church:) Then we went back to our bus:> We traveled going to the town of Majayjay. We ate lunch at the bus and prepared for the jeepney transfer to Majajay Falls.
The jeepney ride was really fun:) We saw a lot of beautiful sceneries. We appreciated the beauty of nature. It was quite a bumpy ride. When we reach the destination, it was drizzling again. It was really muddy. So out clean feet were uhmm... so called Muddy and happy feet:)) We warmed-up and went to the farms irrigation canal. It was dirty and full of a lot of dirty stuffs. Then we went up the Pilapil. it where farmers past when they are going to their lands. It was really muddy and are feets were like burried to the ground with each step we take. I was almost going to fall to the ground, good thing i have behind our facilitator and i'm good in balancing:) And i was holding to the palay's leaves:)) Then the Pilapil adeventure was over:)
We cleaned ourselves a bit and continued the journey. We walked going to Majayjay falls. It was a long walk.(very long walk) When we arrived there, we were really excited and can't wait to take a bath at the falls since we were really very very dirty. We went into the water and it was really really super super duper duper COLD! It's like the water cam from the freezer[promise, i'm not kidding] We took a bath and we were playing with our facilitator Kuya OJ. He is really mean, he drew at my face using mud:(( But i did the same thing to him so it's fair enough. Anyways, the whole batch was there having a lot of fun:) Then i saw one of my classmates (debbie) was really freezing to death already. So i helped her get out of the water. Her whole body was really shaking. Even while walking to get a jeepney ride back to where our bus is:)
It was a hard time changing our clothes:)) STRUGGLE!:O but it was fun. On the way home i slept:)) While some watched The Exorcism of Emly Rose. I was sleeping and i woke up a few minutes before our stop-over:) Some bought food:) I just went to the bathroom. Then after that we were telling ghost stories and jokes. A lot of knock-knock jokes and corny jokes. It was really funny.
"Who is the wife of Mr. Bean = Abrila , ABRILA BEAN:))"
I can say that this is the best fieldtrip so far:) I did really enjoy. I love Banaag![Bananaag]

Danced at 1:29 AM
what a day:|
Monday, February 4, 2008
** it's another tiring day: so stressed:( so many things to do:
** all of us still have hang-overs because of the fair and the intrams:)) we were still sleepy:D everybody was sleepy [except the teachers of course:>:>]
** my brain isn't functioning well today:)) [at least i'm honest]
** now i'm doing my application letter and bio data to become a student-teacher on Feb.
&& i have to go:) lotsa things to do XD
******* 10 days to got before Valentine's Day:D *******
Danced at 2:31 AM
i'm going to miss you guys:|
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Danced at 10:29 PM
last day of intrams:|
Friday, February 1, 2008
** today, championship games were held for basketball, volleyball, softball and badminton:)
** basketball - NERUES vs SPARTA
** volleyball - SPARTA vs FUEGO
** softball - SPARTA vs FUEGO
** then the cheering and rhythmic competition happened in the afternoon:)
** me and my team mates had our last bonding time together: :) being part of our team was a great opportunity. they were really friendly. we treated each other as brother and sisters:) even if we did not won the semi-final game, we are winners since we gained this kind of friends. i myself is lucky:)
message to my team mates:
i'll miss you guys. skittles - mamimiss ko nung pagiging matakaw mo:)) honey - mamimiss kita: lemooonnn! - mamimimiss kita ng super, lalo na nung dance natin:)
and to my other team mates, thanks you:) for the new things i've learned from you:) i hope you learned something from me too:) thanks for everything:) again
Danced at 4:13 AM